A journey throughout my life .

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Hii so yes it has been a long time since I have updated my blog . Just distracted by my daily life and maaany things have happened recently . Well let's see , Yesterday was my birthday , My team Murni A was the champion of bola baling and futsal (boys), My dad bought me the new iPod touch 32 GB , I went to Langkawi . And there's more , but well I'm quite lazy to explain the whole thing . 

But yea , I'm pretty excited when my dad got me the iPod , like soo happy that he said yes . Now I'm really addicted to it I don't even have time to go on the computer to update blog. By the way I got it last Wednesday which is exactly a week now . lol and yess the Langkawi trip is really fun and I enjoyed myself . I even bought chocolates and keychains for Anis Jacinta and Cammy . 

So , yesterday was the bola baling match and My team Murni A won with only 4 players and Sharafina had no choice but to play and wear her baju kurung . lol and for the boys , the champion in futsal was also the Murni class . Yeay , and basicly this is why I love my class . Not to brag or what but heck I'm proud . lol And I;m actually typing this at school computer lab . We're actually here to learn Moral but since exam is over Teacher allowed us . 

I slept in class today since it was boring and I was tired as always . Cam best doh tidur kat kelas . And I could still hear my friends conversations , but whats there to hide , lelaki semua cakap pasal game je -.- And I finally created an instagram account after Anis pujuk me to install the app on my iPod and create the acc . My acc is ashmtasbr by the way . And OF COURSE my acc is protected so only my followers can see my pictures since you know there might be creepy stalkers and all -.- 

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